January 15, 2009

Visiting Santa

We went to see Santa Claus in Colorado. Mariah was super excited to see him. We waited in a long line and she was super happy the whole time...

She pet the deer and she was still happy...

She got to the front of the line and started screaming!! She didn't want to go near Santa. Somehow Steven got her calmed down and sat her down by Santa. Lylah loved Santa She just sat there and gooed. Then the funny part is, on Christmas morning Mariah's cousins were anxious to open their presents so they wanted us to wake Mariah up. We woke her up and told that Santa had come and brought her presents - thinking she'd be excited and run downstairs because she had been so excited about Santa and Christmas. She started crying and wouldn't go downstairs. We couldn't figure out what was wrong. Finally after we told her that Santa wasn't there anymore, she was happy and went downstairs.


Aly said...

That is too funny! Jayci Freaked out about Santa too. She was shaking so hard for the rest of the night at our ward party and kept saying "bye, santa" like she liked him, but was scared to death. Little girls are so funny! Next year it will be Lylah's turn to freak out. We need to get together soon.

Charise said...

That is such a funny story! And you tell it so well, with suspense, waiting and questioning, and then. . . . bam! The hilarious punchline!! You have the most gorgeous family in the world. Don't tell anyone I said that, it's just not fair to everyone else. :)

Randrea said...

Fun memories! Where did you guys go to do your santa pictures?

Chelsey said...

too funny. at least you got a really cute picture of them with santa!

julie Tandberg said...

This was so much fun. A nice memory. What sweet grandchildren!

Jamie & Ryan said...

Ha ha! Poor girl... Why is it that little kids are always so afraid of Santa?