January 27, 2009

Dogsledding in Alaska

Thanks to my Grandma Carlson and our friend Bruce (who owns the dogs), we were able to go for a dogsled ride while we were in Alaska. For those of you who might be wondering: people don't usually use a dogsled to get around in Alaska and I did not have to ride a dogsled to school while I was growing up.

Bruce said that these dogs could pull 700 lbs each. They really were some pretty dogs, also very excited and obedient.

That's me and Lylah going for our ride. I have Lylah in a Snugli front pack surrounded by blankets and my mom's bit parka coat.

Yup, she's there! She's a natural dog sledder; she loved her ride. It put her right to sleep!

Mariah got to go for a ride with Uncle Jesse! (She is wearing a hat that I wore when I was little!)


Unknown said...

cool dogsled pics! it does look quite cold though... thats funny about mariah and santa clause, it seems most little kids are scared of him. we didnt ever find santa this year so it will be interesting to see what andrew thinks next year!

Jamie & Ryan said...

FUN!!! How cold was it outside? Looked a bit chilly! I'd love to go to Alaska and take a dog sled ride someday!!!

Mari Kjar said...

chrystal, i seriously love looking at your blog time to time and seeing your adorable little fam. josh and i are moving to DC next month for a new job. if y'all are in VA we should definately get together sometime!!

Chelsey said...

That's so cool! What an awesome activity; such an adventure.